Elcin Sangu: I Don’t Work With People Who Cause Problems

Elcin Sangu

Elcin Sangu was at a place in Arnavutkoy with her group of friends at last night, including Yildiz Cagri Atiksoy. Sangu clarified, “There are many people I would change my path if I saw them on the street. God damn it, I hope they will be deleted from the industry”.

Elcin Sangu, who sat in the venue for about four hours, answered the questions of the press members waiting for her at the exit. Asking the reporters what he was doing, Sangu said, “There is a theater rehearsal, I’m dealing with it right now. It will be a completely new game, it has excitement, let’s see how long it will go in pandemic conditions” she said.

Elcin Sangu
Elcin Sangu

Elcin Sangu, when asked about her statements on the “Ibrahim Selim ile Bu Gece” program in the past weeks, “There are a lot of people I would change my path if I saw them on the street. God damn it, I hope they will be deleted from the industry. There are also celebrities who I said make such money”.

Elcin Sangu, “Don’t we all have such thoughts? In other words, this is an explanation that I defend to the end, which has no human values ​​and which makes me feel very comfortable. The types I met on the set, of course I won’t give names,” said.

Elcin Sangu
Elcin Sangu

Elcin Sangu: “I don’t work with people who cause problems”

The reporters, “Well, would you take part in a project again with them?” To the question, “Due to my principles, I never work. I don’t work with people who cause problems,” she said and got into her car.

2 Million TL!

Elcin Sangu
Elcin Sangu

The choice of the famous actress, who was observed to buy a new car, was a hybrid model car, which has been seen in many celebrities recently. It has been learned that the value of the car in question is approximately 2 million TL.

1 comment
  1. Elcin Sangu is one of the best actress in Turkiye. Too bad Turkish people only criticize her. They don’t see her great acting skills. Bless you Elcin.

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